Orodje Mnogokotni izbor

Orodje Mnogokotni izbor

This tool, represented by a polygon with a dashed border, allows you to make Izbori in a polygonal shape. To make a polygonal selection mouseleft and place points or nodes of the polygon. To finalize your selection area you can do either mouseleft on the first created point, or double mouseleft click to end the polygon.


Most of the behavior of the Polygonal Selection Tool is common to all other selection tools, please make sure to read Izbori to learn more about this tool.

Hitre in lepljive tipke

  • Shift + mouseleft temporarily sets the subsequent selection to ‚add‘ mode. Release the Shift key will return to the current permanent mode. Same for the others.

  • Alt + mouseleft temporarily sets the subsequent selection to ‚subtract‘ mode.

  • Ctrl + mouseleft temporarily sets the subsequent selection to ‚replace‘ mode.

  • Shift + Alt + mouseleft temporarily sets the subsequent selection to ‚intersect‘ mode.

Added in version 4.2:

  • Hovering your cursor over the dashed line of the selection, or marching ants as it is commonly called, turns the cursor into the move tool icon, which you mouseleft and drag to move the selection.

  • mouseright will open up a selection quick menu with amongst others the ability to edit the selection.

    Added in version 5.1.2: If you already began making a selection, mouseright will undo the last added point.

Menu of polygonal selection


Spremenite vedenje izmenjalke, da namesto nje uporabite krmilko, tako da preklopite stikalo v nastavitvah orodja v Splošnih nastavitvah.


To orodje ni vezano na nobeno tipko; če jo želite definirati, pojdite na Nastavitve ‣ Prilagodi Krito ‣ Tipke za bližnjice in poiščite »Orodje Pravokotni izbor«, tam lahko izberete želeno bližnjico. Če želite več informacij, glejte Nastavitve bližnjic.

Možnosti orodja

Polygonal selection options

Ta možnost je razložena v razdelku Izbor slikovnih točk vektorja.


Ta možnost je razložena v razdelku Izbor slikovnih točk vektorja.

Glajenje robov

S tem preklopite, ali želite izbiram dati operjene robove. Nekateri imajo raje ostre oz. nazobčane robove za izbore.


Glajenje robov je na voljo le v načinu izbire slikovnih točk.