Ustvari nov dokument

Nov dokument lahko ustvarite na naslednji način.

  1. Kliknite Datoteka iz menija programa na vrhu.

  2. Nato kliknite na Nov. Ali pa to storite tako, da pritisnete kombinacijo tipk :kbd::krmilka + N

  3. Zdaj se odpre pogovorno okno Nov dokument, kot je prikazano spodaj:


V tem pogovornem oknu so različni odseki, ki pomagajo pri ustvarjanju novega dokumenta, bodisi z uporabo lastnosti dokumenta po meri bodisi z vsebino iz odložišča in predlog. V tem pogovornem oknu so naslednji odseki:

Dokument po meri

V tem razdelku lahko ustvarite dokument v skladu z zahtevami: določite lahko mere, barvni model, bitno globino, ločljivost itn.

In the top-most field of the Dimensions tab, from the Predefined drop-down you can select predefined pixel sizes and PPI (pixels per inch). You can also set custom dimensions and the orientation of the document from the input fields below the Predefined: drop-down. This can also be saved as a new predefined preset for your future use by giving a name in the Save Image Size as: input box and clicking on the Save button. Below we find the Color section of the new document dialog box, where you can select the color model and the bit-depth. Check Barve for more detailed information regarding color.

On the Content tab, you can define a name for your new document. This name will appear in the metadata of the file, and Krita will use it for the auto-save functionality as well. If you leave it empty, the document will be referred to as ‚Unnamed‘ by default. You can select the background color and the amount of layers you want in the new document. Krita remembers the amount of layers you picked last time, so be careful.

Nazadnje je tu še polje opisa, koristno za opombo, kaj nameravate narediti.

Ustvari iz odložišča

Ta razdelek vam omogoča, da ustvarite dokument iz slike, ki je na odložišču, kot je posnetek zaslona. Vsa polja bodo nastavljena tako, da se ujemajo s sliko odložišča.


These are separate categories where we deliver special defaults. Templates are just .kra files which are saved in a special location, so they can be pulled up by Krita quickly. You can make your own template file from any .kra file, by using File ‣ Create Template from Image… in the top menu. This will add your current document as a new template, including all its properties along with the layers and layer contents.

Ko ustvarite nov dokument v skladu s svojimi zahtevami, se bi moralo pred vami pojaviti belo platno (ali s poljubno barvo ozadja, ki ste jo izbrali v pogovornem oknu).