Razdeli plast¶
Splits a layer according to color. This is useful in combination with the Maska barvanja and the R + shortcut to select layers at the cursor.
At the top, of the dialog there is a dropdown, here you can choose between…
- Razdeli na plasti
The image’s colors is split into paint layers. Fantastic for artwork that works more with flats, such as the cel-shaded look.
- Razdeli na maske krajevnega izbora
Added in version 4.2.9.
The image’s colors are outlined as a selection, and a Maske izbora is made. This is useful for artwork that has a more painterly look, with the selection masks making it easy to select several areas at once. Because selection masks are not paint layers, several of the options below are unavailable.
Druge možnosti so:
- Postavi vse nove plasti v skupinsko plast
Postavi vse nastale plasti v novo plast.
- Vsako plast postavi v svojo, ločeno skupinsko plast
Vsako plast postavi v svojo, ločeno skupino.
- Alfa-zaklenite vsako novo plast
Omogočite zaklep alfe za vsako plast, tako da jo je lažje barvati.
- Skrij izvirno plast
Izklopi vidnost na izvorni plasti, tako da ne boste zmedeni.
- Razvrsti plasti po količini neprosojnih slikovnih točk
This ensures that the layers with large color swathes will end up at the top.
- Ne upoštevaj prekrivnosti
Ali želite upoštevati prosojnost barve.
- Nerazločnost
Kako natančen naj bo algoritem. Večja kot je nejasnost, manj natančen bo algoritem. To je potrebno za razdelitev plasti z glajenjem, saj bi sicer končali z ločeno plastjo za vsako drobno slikovno točko.
- Paleta za poimenovanje plasti
Select the palette to use for naming. Krita will compare the main color of a layer to each color in the palette to get the most appropriate name for it.