Vnaprej nameščeni vstavki Python

Na tej strani so opisani vsi vstavki, ki so privzeto na voljo v Kriti (ni vam jih treba namestiti).

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Če želite videti izbor uporabniških vstavkov Python po meri, ki jih lahko dodatno prenesete in namestite, si oglejte User-made Python Plugins.

To learn how to manage your plugins, see Upravljanje vstavkov Python.

If you want to know more about an individual plugin, you can access the plugin’s manual by going to Settings ‣ Configure Krita… menu, and then choosing the Python Plugin Manager tab. Then you can click on a specific plugin and the manual will appear in the bottom text area.


Sidrišče drsnika mešalnika

Docker that allows you to choose a color from gradients between the current color and other selected colors.

Zloženo okno palet

Docker that allows you to control palettes more easily. You can add swatches, groups and export the palette settings, or even the palette itself as a GIMP Palette or Inkscape SVG.

Hitre nastavitve

Docker that allows you to quickly set the opacity, flow and size from a predefined list.

Deset čopičev

Plugin that assigns presets to one of ten configurable hotkeys. To use, go to Tools ‣ Scripts ‣ Ten Brushes, and a window will pop up with a preset chooser and ten boxes above it. Underneath the boxes is the hotkey the box is associated with.

Customize your shortcuts by editing the configurations in Settings ‣ Configure Krita ‣ Keyboard Shortcuts, and then change the „Activate Brush Preset“ actions under „Ten Brushes“.

Izboljšave poteka dela

Orodja za upravljanje projektov stripov

Vstavek, ki poenostavlja ustvarjanje stripov.

  • Organizirajte in hitro dostopajte do njihovih strani.

  • Export to multiple formats with proper metadata.

  • Random suggestions for metadata to avoid spending time on finding the perfect title before starting the project.

Paketni izvoznik

Plugin for Game Developers and Graphic Designers.

  • Batch export of assets to multiple sizes, file types and custom paths.

  • Renaming layers quickly with the smart rename tool.

  • Izvozite vse plasti ali samo izbrane plasti.

By default, the plugin exports the images in an export folder next to the Krita document and follows the structure of your layer stack.

Dejanja slike/dokumenta

Assign Profile Dialog

Allows you to assign a profile to an image instead of converting it to that profile. The difference is that it allows only interpreting the colors by the new profile, but not change any of the values. It can be found in Tools ‣ Assign Profile to Image…, and will present a list of profiles for the current image’s color model.

Barvni prostor

Allows you to select a document and convert its colors to a new color space, like RGBA, CMYKA or L*a*b.

Kanali v plasti

Razdeli kanale od plasti na podplasti.

Orodja za dokumente

Allows you to select a document and scale, crop and rotate in one action.

Upravitelj filtrov

Quickly apply a filter on selected documents.


Izvede visokopasovno filtriranje v aktivnem dokumentu.

Dejanja datoteke

Izvozi plasti

Allows you to select a document and export its layers in an ordered and sensible manner.

Nedavni dokumenti

Skript, ki prikazuje nedavno odprte dokumente kot sličice.

Skriptanje v Pythonu

Zaganjalnik skriptov Krita

Skript, ki pomaga nastaviti različne datoteke, ki jih Krita pričakuje, ko zažene skript, in sicer:

  • datoteko metapodatkov .desktop;

  • glavno mapo za vaš vstavek;

  • datoteko;

  • glavno datoteko python za vaš paket;

  • datoteko Manual.html za vašo dokumentacijo;

Uvoznik vstavkov Python

Imports Python plugins from zip files. See Upravljanje vstavkov Python.


A small Python scripting console, allows to write code in an editor and run it, with feedback related to the output of the execution. You can also debug your code using the „Debug“ button.

Deset skriptov

Similar to Ten Brushes, this plugin allows an assignment of Python scripts to ten configurable hotkeys.