Orodje Kaligrafija

Orodje Kaligrafija

Orodje za kaligrafijo omogoča črte spremenljive širine, z vhodom, s katerim upravlja grafična tablica. Pritisnite navzdol s tipko pisala/levo miško na platnu, da ustvarite črto, dvignite pisalo/gumb miške, da končate potezo.

Možnosti orodja


Pravzaprav ne naredi ničesar.


The drop-down menu holds your saved presets, the Save button next to it allows you to save presets.

Sledi izbrani poti

If a stroke has been selected with the default tool, the calligraphy tool will follow this path.

Uporabi pritisk na tablico

Za nadzor širine poteze uporablja pritisk na tablico.


This allows you to set how much thinner a line becomes when speeding up the stroke. Using a negative value makes it thicker.


Osnovna širina poteze.

Uporabi kot tablice

Allows you to use the tablet angle to control the stroke, only works for tablets supporting it.


The angle of the dab.


The ratio of the dab. 1 is thin, 0 is round.


Ali se bo poteza končala zaokroženo ali ravno.


How much weight the stroke has. With drag set to 0, high mass increases the ‚orbit‘.


How much the stroke follows the cursor, when set to 0 the stroke will orbit around the cursor path.


The calligraphy tool can be edited by the edit-line tool, but currently you can’t add or remove nodes without converting it to a normal path.