Orodje Preliv¶
Orodje Preliv
Orodje Preliv se nahaja na plošči Orodja. Z levim klikom povlecite to orodje preko dejavnega dela platna, da narišete trenutni preliv. Če je potem dejavni izbor podoben Orodje Zapolni, bo dejanje barve omejeno na obrobe izbora.
Možnosti orodja¶
- Oblika:
- Linearno
Nariše raven preliv.
- Bilinearno
Nariše raven preliv, zrcaljen vzdolž osi.
- Radialno
This will draw the gradient from a center, defined by where you start the stroke.
- Kvadrat
This will draw the gradient from a center in a square shape, defined by where you start the stroke.
- Stožčasto
This will wrap the gradient around a center, defined by where you start the stroke.
- Simetrično stožčasto
This will wrap the gradient around a center, defined by where you start the stroke, but will mirror the wrap once.
- Spirala
This will draw the gradient spiral from a center, defined by where you start the stroke.
- Obratna spirala
This will draw the gradient spiral from a center, defined by where you start the stroke, but direction is flipped perpendicular to the direction of stroke.
- Oblikovano
To bo oblikovalo preliv glede na izbor ali plast.
- Ponovi:
- Brez
To bo razširilo preliv v neskončnost.
- Previj naprej
To bo ponovilo preliv v eno smer.
- Izmenjujoče
To bo ponovilo preliv, izmenično v navadno in nasprotno smer.
- Prag glajenja
Določa, kako gladka je meja med ponovitvami.
A value equal to 0 means there is no smoothing. The border is aliased.
Vrednost, večja od 0, pove Kriti, koliko slikovnih točk je potrebno zgladiti na vsako stran roba.
- Obratno
Obrne smer preliva.
- Stresanje
Novo v verziji 5.0.
8 bits of color depth is not enough depth to make a truly smooth gradient. This option alleviates this by adding blue noise style dithering to gradients in 8 bit.