

Zloženo okno Plasti je eden od temeljnih konceptov Krite: Upravljanje plasti. Tukaj lahko dodate, izbrišete, preimenujete, podvojite in opravite veliko drugih stvari s plastmi.

At the top there are four controls. Two of them are layer properties, the blending mode and the opacity. But there are also two smaller buttons. One is the filter option. This allows you to filter all existing layers by either color label, or since Krita 5.0 by layer name.

The second button allows you to adjust some extra display options of the layer docker.

The first slider controls the thumbnail size of the layers and how much layers indent when they are grouped. Some people prefer large thumbnails with a lot of indentation, others want the visuals to take up the least amount of space.

Added in version 5.2.

Then there’s the blending info options. The dropdown has four options:


No extra information is shown.


This will only display the opacity or the blending mode when they’re not 100% and ‚Normal‘.


This will display both the opacity and the blending mode for layers where either the opacity is below 100%, or the blending mode is not ‚normal‘.


This will always show the opacity and blending options for all layers.

The opacity slider below the dropdown allows you to control the opacity of the extra blending info label.

Then there’s Checkbox for Selecting Layers, which enables the extra checkboxes between the visibility icon and the label. This is useful for situations where you may not have access to a Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple layers, such as on a tablet.

Sklad plasti

Aktivno plast lahko izberete tukaj. S tipkama dvigalka in krmilka lahko izberete več plasti in jih povlečete in spustite. Spremenite lahko tudi vidnost, stanje urejanja, dedovanje alfe ter preimenujete plasti. Lahko odprete in zaprete skupine in lahko povlečete in spustite plasti, bodisi, da jih preučite ali pa jih postavite v skupine.


Ime plasti, samo opravite dvojni mouseleft za urejanje in pritisnite vnašalko, da dokončate urejanje.

Barvna oznaka

This is a color that you can set on the layer. mouseright the layer to get a context menu to assign a color to it. You can then later filter on these colors.

Način zlivanja

S tem bo nastavljeno način spajanja plasti (Načini zlivanja).


To bo določilo prekrivnost celotne plasti.


Ikona očessa. S klikom nanjo lahko skrijete celo plast.

Stanje urejanja (ali zaklepanje plasti)

A lock Icon. Clicking this will prevent the layer from being edited, useful when handling large amounts of layers.

Alpha Lock

This will prevent the alpha of the layer being edited. In more plain terms: This will prevent the transparency of a layer being changed. Useful in coloring images.

Prepustni način

Only available on Group Layers, this allows you to have the blending modes of the layers within affect the layers outside the group. Doesn’t work with masks currently, therefore these have a strike-through on group layers set to pass-through.

Dedovanje alfe

This will use the alpha of all the peers of this layer as a transparency mask. For a full explanation see Uvod v plasti in maske.

Odpri ali zapri plasti

(An Arrow Icon) This will allow you to access sub-layers of a layer. Seen with masks and groups.


This is only available on animated layers, and toggles the onion skin feature.

Slog plasti

This is only available on layers which have a Slogi plasti assigned. The button allows you to switch between on/off quickly.

Sličica za predogled

This shows a miniature image with the layer contents. If you Ctrl + mouseleft on it then you can make a selection from the contents of that layer (see Hot keys and Sticky Keys section below).

To edit these properties on multiple layers at once, press the properties option when you have multiple layers selected or press the F3 key. There, to change the names of all layers, the checkbox before Name should be ticked after which you can type in a name. Krita will automatically add a number behind the layer names. You can change other layer properties like visibility, opacity, lock states, etc. too.

Added in version 5.0: By drag-and-dropping colors from the palette onto the layer stack, you can quickly create a fill layer.


Lower buttons

To so gumbi za dejanja na plasteh.


Will by default add a new Paint Layer, but using the little arrow, you can call a sub-menu with the other layer types.


Will Duplicate the active layer(s). Can be quickly invoked with the Ctrl + mouseleft + drag shortcut.

Premakni plast navzgor.

Will move the active layer up. Will switch them out and in groups when coming across them.

Premakni plast navzdol.

Will move the active layer down. Will switch them out and in groups when coming across them.

Lastnosti plasti.

Odprlo bo okno lastnosti plasti. Gumb ob strani bo odprl kontekstni meni (mouseright) za trenutno izbrano plast. To je koristno, če nimate dostopa do gumba miške (mouseright).


Will delete the active layer(s). For safety reasons, you can only delete visible layers.

Hitre in lepljive tipke

  • Shift key for selecting multiple contiguous layers.

  • Ctrl key for select or deselect layer without affecting other layers selection.

  • Ctrl + mouseleft + drag shortcut makes a duplicate of the selected layers, for you to drag and drop.

  • Ctrl + E shortcut for merging a layer down. This also merges selected layers, layer styles and will keep selection masks intact. Using the Ctrl + E shortcut on a single layer with a mask will merge down the mask into the layer.

  • Krmilka + dvigalka + E - združite vse plasti.

  • R + mouseleft shortcut allows you to select the top layer with content below the cursor as the active layer. In addition to this, you can set shortcuts for 4 other modes:
    • „Select All Layers (Replace Selection)“ allows you to select all layers with content below the cursor as the currently selected layers.

    • „Select All Layers (Add to Selection)“ allows you to select all layers that have content below the cursor and add them to the selected layers.

    • „Select from Menu (Replace Selection)“ allows you to select a layer from a pop-up menu or all layers in the menu as the active layer or active layers.

    • „Select from Menu (Add to Selection)“ allows you to select all layers in the menu as the new active layer or active layers. The latter two modes are similar to using Ctrl + mouseright to select a layer in Photoshop.

  • Tipka Vst - dodajanje nove plasti.

  • Dvigalka + Vst - dodajanje nove vektorske plasti.

  • Ctrl + G shortcut will create a group layer. If multiple layers are selected, they are put into the group layer.

  • Krmilka + dvigalka + G - hitro nastavite skupino izrezovanja, z izbranimi plastmi, dodanimi v skupino, in novo plastjo, dodano na vrh z vklopljenim dedovanjem alfe, pripravljeno za slikanje!

  • Krmilka + izmenjalka + G - razdružite plasti znotraj skupine.

  • Alt + mouseleft shortcut for isolated view of a layer. This will maintain between layers till the same action is repeated again.

  • Page Up and Page Down keys for switching between layers.

  • Ctrl + Page Up and Ctrl + Page Down shortcuts will move the selected layers up and down.

  • Ctrl + mouseleft over a layer’s thumbnail to replace the current selection with a new one created from the contents of that layer.

  • Ctrl + Shift + mouseleft over a layer’s thumbnail to add a new selection created from the contents of that layer to the current selection.

  • Krmilka + izmenjalka + mouseleft sličice plasti - od trenutnega izbora odštejete nov izbor, ustvarjen iz vsebine te plasti.

  • Krmilka + dvigalka + izmenjalka + mouseleft sličice plasti - presekajte trenutni izbor z novim izborom, ustvarjenim iz vsebine te plasti.