Krita には最もパワフルで多様な機能がある塗りつぶしツールがあります。ツールのオプションドッカーにあるオプションや後で述べるものはレイヤーと選択について作業をする上で多くの柔軟性を与えてくれるでしょう。
- Fill Mode
- 現在の選択範囲
- 連続した領域
- Regions of Similar Color
Added in version 5.2.
This option allows filling all the regions similar in color to the pixel where the user clicks
a: An image with a selection. The red dot marks where the user clicked to fill. b: The region filled using:guilabel:Current Selection. c: The region filled using Contiguous Pixels, filling all pixels that are both similar and contiguous to the one the user clicked. d: The region filled with Regions of Similar Color, filling pixels similarly colored to the one the user clicked.¶
- Fill Source
- 描画色
- 背景色
Added in version 5.1.
- パターン
- 倍率
Added in version 4.4.
- 回転
Added in version 4.4.
- Fill Extent
- Pixel Selection Modes
Added in version 5.2.
When filling a contiguous region, the user can choose how the pixels are selected based on color similarity.
- Fill Similar Pixels
The contiguous pixels that are similar to the one the user clicked on are selected.
- Fill All Pixels Until a Boundary
All the contiguous pixels are selected as long as they are not similar to the user defined boundary color.
- Boundary Color
Defines the color used as a boundary.
a: An image with a red dot marking where the user clicked to fill. b: The filled region when selecting only the similar contiguous pixels. c: The filled region all the pixels until the boundary color (here set to the color black).¶
- しきい値
- 拡張
Added in version 5.1.
左: オリジナルの画像。黒のドットは、塗りつぶし操作がどこから始まるかを示しています。右上: しきい値を30、拡張を左から0、30、60、100%にした際の結果を示す画像の列。右下: しきい値を65、拡張を左から0、30、60、100%にした際の結果を示す画像の列。¶
- Use Selection as Boundary
Added in version 4.4.
左: 線と元の選択。中央: '選択を境界値として使用'をオフにして塗りつぶし。右:'選択を境界値として使用'をオンにして塗りつぶし。¶
- 調整
- Anti-aliasing
Added in version 5.1.
- 塗りつぶす範囲を広げる
- Stop Growing at the Darkest and/or More Opaque Pixels
Added in version 5.2.
This option is useful when filling inner regions of a lineart. When the lines have smooth borders, some unwanted pixels may remain unfilled between the line's darkest or more opaque parts and the filled region. To improve that, it is common to grow the region a bit to cover those pixels.
One issue that may arise is that the lines vary in width and the expanded region exceeds some of the thinner ones. If this option is selected, the growing process will stop adaptively if the color of the pixels begins to get lighter or less opaque. This effectively prevents the expanded region from reaching the opposite side of the lines.
Comparison of the filled region with and without the option selected. The filled regions were painted with the multiply blending mode for clarity. a: An image with some lineart that varies in width and a red dot indicating where the user clicked to fill. b: The filled region without being expanded. c: The filled region after being expanded by twelve pixels. Note that the region exceeds the line in some points. d: The filled region after being expanded by twelve pixels, but stopping adaptively at the darkest pixels.¶
- 境界のぼかしの幅
- 参照
Added in version 4.3.
- 現在のレイヤー
- すべてのレイヤー
- 色ラベル付きレイヤー
- 使用されたラベル
- Drag-Fill Mode
Added in version 5.1.
- どのような色の領域をも塗りつぶす
- 色が類似している領域を塗りつぶす