Opacity and Flow

Opacity and flow are parameters for the transparency of a brush.


Povezani so z nastavitvijo načina slikanja.


Prosojnost poteze.


The transparency of separate dabs. Finally separated from Opacity in 2.9.


Spremenjeno v verziji 4.2: In Krita 4.1 and below, the flow and opacity when combined with brush sensors would add up to one another, being only limited by the maximum opacity. This was unexpected compared to all other painting applications, so in 4.2 this finally got corrected to the flow and opacity multiplying, resulting in much more subtle strokes. This change can be switched back in the Nastavitve orodja, but we will be deprecating the old way in future versions.

Staro vedenje je mogoče simulirati v novem sistemu z…

  1. Deaktiviranje tipal na prekrivnosti.

  2. Set the maximum value on flow to 0.5.

  3. Prilagajanje krivulje pritiska, da bo konkavna.


Način slikanja


Will treat opacity as if it were the same as flow.


Will treat opacity as stroke transparency instead of dab-transparency.


Where the other images of this page had all three strokes set to painting mode: wash, this one is set to build-up.