Zaklenjene nastavitve čopiča¶
Normally, a changing to a different brush preset will change all brush settings. Locked presets are a way for you to prevent Krita from changing all settings. So, if you want to have the texture be that same over all brushes, you lock the texture parameter. That way, all brush-preset you select will now share the same texture!
Zaklepanje parametra čopiča¶

To lock an option, the little lock icon next to the parameter name, and set it to Lock. It will now be highlighted to show it’s locked:

Na platnu bo prikazano, da je možnost teksture zaklenjena.

Odklepanje parametra čopiča¶
To unlock, the icon again.

Obstajata dve možnosti:
- Odkleni (opusti Zaklenjeno)
This will get rid of the settings of the locked parameter and take that of the active brush preset. So if your brush had no texture on, using this option will revert it to having no texture.
- Odkleni (ohrani Zaklenjeno)
To bo obdržalo nastavitve parametra, čeprav je odklenjeno.