


Če čopič držite pri miru, vendar še vedno pritiskate navzdol, bo to še naprej dodajalo barvo na platno. Čim nižja je hitrost, hitreje se doda barva.



Tako lahko konico čopiča zrcalite s tipali.


Zrcali masko vodoravno.


Zrcali masko navpično.


Nekateri primeri zrcaljenja in uporabe v kombinaciji z Vrtenje.


Tako lahko s tipali vplivate na jot konice čopiča.

../../../_images/Krita_2_9_brushengine_rotation.png ../../../_images/Krita_Pixel_Brush_Settings_Rotation.png

V zgornjem primeru je več aplikacij parametra.

  1. Drawing Angle – A common one, usually used in combination with rake-type brushes. Especially effect because it does not rely on tablet-specific sensors. Sometimes, Tilt-Direction or Rotation is used to achieve a similar-more tablet focused effect, where with Tilt the 0° is at 12 o’clock, Drawing angle uses 3 o’clock as 0°.

  2. Fuzzy – Also very common, this gives a nice bit of randomness for texture.

  3. Razdalja – S skrbnim urejanjem krivulje tipala lahko ustvarite lepe vzorce.

  4. Fade – This slowly fades the rotation from one into another.

  5. Pritisk – zanimiv, lahko ustvari alternativno črto.

Moč svetlosti

Added in version 4.4: This allows you to affect the Lightness Strength of your brush tip with Sensors. Only available with brush tips in Lightness Map mode.


This changes the contrast of the brush tip, so that at 100%, the full effect of the lightness variation is visible in the brush, while at 0% the brush paints without any lightness variation. This allows a variable impasto effect with lightness brushes, and for variation in texture stamp brushes that use a lightness-enabled brush tip.


This parameter allows you to set the random placing of a brush-dab. You can affect them with Sensors.


Raztresanje po kotu, iz katerega rišete.


The scattering, perpendicular to the drawing angle (has the most effect).




Puts a threshold filter over the brush mask. This can be used for brush like strokes, but it also makes for good pixel art brushes.


Controls the threshold, and can be controlled by the sensors below.

Zmehčaj rob

Controls the extra non-fully opaque pixels. This adds a little softness to the stroke.

Spremenjeno v verziji 4.2: The sensors now control the threshold instead of the subpixel precision, softness slider was added.

Poravnajte obris predogleda čopiča na mrežo slikovnih točk.

Ali naj se oris čopiča poravna z mrežo slikovnih točk. To je uporabno pri nekaterih oblikah risanja slikovnih točk.

Added in version 5.1.



This parameter is not the diameter itself, but rather the curve for how it’s affected.

So, if you want to lock the diameter of the brush, lock the Brush tip. Locking the size parameter will only lock this curve. Allowing this curve to be affected by the Sensors can be very useful to get the right kind of brush. For example, if you have trouble drawing fine lines, try to use a concave curve set to pressure. That way you’ll have to press hard for thick lines.


Also popular is setting the size to the sensor fuzzy or perspective, with the later in combination with a Perspektiva.



This allows you to affect Fade with Sensors.


Has a slight brush-decreasing effect, especially noticeable with soft-brush, and is overall more noticeable on large brushes.


Picks the source-color for the brush-dab.

Preprosta barva

Trenutna barva ospredja.


Izbere dejavni preliv.

Enakomerno naključno

Gives a random color to each brush dab.

Povsem naključno

Slika se naključni vzorec šuma.


Uses active pattern, but alignment is different per stroke.

Zaklenjen vzorec

Locks the pattern to the brushdab.


Allows you to affect the mix of the Vir color with Sensors. It will work with Plain Color and Gradient as source. If Plain Color is selected as source, it will mix between the currently selected foreground and background color. If Gradient is selected, it chooses a point on the gradient to use as painting color according to the sensors selected.


Praktična raba

Flow map

The above example uses a Krita painted flowmap in the 3D program Blender. A brush was set to Source ‣ Gradient and Mix ‣ Drawing angle. The gradient in question contained the 360° for normal map colors. Flow maps are used in several Shaders, such as brushed metal, hair and certain river-shaders.


Exactly the same as using Source ‣ Gradient with Mix, but only available for the Color Smudge Brush.



  • Pustite privzeto nastavitev Ospredje ‣ Preliv ozadja in samo spremenite barve ospredja in ozadja

  • Izberete bolj določen preliv

  • Ali pa naredite prelive po meri.



This allows you to affect Konice čopiča with Tipala.

Izotropni razmik

Instead of the spacing being related to the ratio of the brush, it will be on diameter only.



Allows you to change the ratio of the brush and bind it to parameters. This also works for predefined brushes.
