Nastavitve učinkovitosti delovanja¶
Krita kot slikarski program skrbi za veliko podatkov, kot so čopiči, ki jih uporabljate, barve, ki ste jih izbrali, predvsem pa vsako slikovno točko vaše slike. Zaradi tega lahko način, kako Krita organizira, kje hrani vse podatke, resnično pospeši delovanje Krite med slikanjem, tako kot lahko z organiziranim delovnim prostorom pravi ustvarjalec res pospeši svoj slikarski proces.
Te nastavitve vam omogočajo, da prilagodite organizacijo Krite, vendar vse zahtevajo, da znova zaženete program, da so pravilno upoštevane.
Pomnilnik (RAM)¶
RAM (angl. Random Access Memory) je pomnilnik, ki ga računalnik sproti in takoj uporablja. Razlika med RAM-om in pomnilnikom trdega diska se lahko primerja z razliko med spisi na mizi in varno shranjenimi spisi v arhivski sobi: spisi na mizi so tako lažje dostopni kot spisi v arhivu, in potreben je čas, da iz arhiva izvlečete nove spise. To enako velja za vaš računalnik in RAM. Datoteke je treba naložiti v RAM, preden jih lahko računalnik resnično uporablja, in shranjevanje in odstranjevanje iz RAM-a zahteva svoj čas.
Te nastavitve vam omogočajo, da izberete, koliko virtualnega namizja boste posvetili Kriti. Krita jih bo nato rezervira ob zagonu. To pomeni, da morate, če spremenite katero od danih možnosti, znova zagnati Krito, da lahko to rezervirate.
- Omejitev pomnilnika
To je največji prostor, ki ga lahko Krita rezervira v vašem RAM-u ob zagonu. Na voljo je v odstotkih in v bajtih, tako da lahko natančno določite. Krita ne bo zasedla več prostora, kot je navedeno, zaradi česar lahko mirno zaženete spletni brskalnik ali glasbo v ozadju.
- Notranja zaloga
A feature for advanced computer users. This allows Krita to organize the area it takes up on the virtual working desk before putting its data on there. Like how a painter has a standard spot for their canvas, Krita also benefits from giving certain data it uses its place (a memory pool), so that it can find them easily, and it doesn’t get lost among the other data (memory fragmentation). It will then also not have to spend time finding a spot for this data.
Increasing this, of course, means there’s more space for this type of data, but like how filling up your working desk with only one big canvas will make it difficult to find room for your paints and brushes, having a large internal pool will result in Krita not knowing where to put the other non-specific data.
On the opposite end, not giving your canvas a spot at all, will result in you spending more time looking for a place where you will put the new layer or that reference you just took out of the storage. This happens for Krita as well, making it slower.
This is recommended to be a size of one layer of your image, e.g. if you usually paint on the image of 3000x3000x8bit-ARGB, the pool should be something like 36 MiB.
As Krita does this on start-up, you will need to restart Krita to have this change affect anything.
Zastarelo od verzije 4.4: This setting was not needed from user side and is deprecated starting from 4.4.
- Shranjuj razveljavitev nad
Krita also needs to keep all the Undo states on the virtual desk (RAM). Swapping means that parts of the files on the virtual desk get sent to the virtual archive room. This allows Krita to dedicate more RAM space to new actions, by sending old Undo states to the archive room once it hits this limit. This will make undoing a little slower, but this can be desirable for the performance of Krita overall. This too needs Krita to be restarted.
- Omejitev velikosti datoteke
This determines the limit of the total space Krita can take up in the virtual archive room. If Krita hits the limit of both the memory limit above, and this Swap File limit, it can’t do anything anymore (and will freeze).
- Mesto izmenjalne datoteke
This determines where the Swap File will be stored on your hard-drive. Location can make a difference, for example, Solid State Drives (SSD) are faster than Hard Disk Drives (HDD). Some people even like to use USB-sticks for the swap file location.
Večnitno delovanje¶
Od različice 4.0 naprej Krita podpira večnitno delovanje za predpomnilnik animacije in za rokovanje z risbo konic čopičev ob uporabi čopiča za slikovne točke.
- Omejitev CPE
Število jeder, ki jih lahko uporablja Krita pri več nitnem delu.
- Omejitev kloniranja upodobljenih sličic
Pri upodabljanju animacij v sličice Krita deluje večnitno z ohranjanjem nekaj kopij slike, kar je navzgor omejeno s številom jeder, ki jih ima vaš procesor. Če imate kompleksno datoteko animacije in veliko jeder, so kopije lahko precej obremenjujoče za vaš računalnik, zato v tem primeru poskusite znižati to vrednost.
- Frame Rendering Timeout
Da Krita ne bi obvisela na eni sami sličici, omejimo, koliko časa lahko porabi za upodobitev sličice, preden se premakne na naslednjo. Če upodobitev animacije zelo pogosto ne uspe zaradi časovne prekoračitve, lahko to vrednost povečate. Ne pozabite, da je to lahko tudi posledica preveč zapletene datoteke.
- Omeji sličice na sekundo med slikanjem.
Zaradi tega se platno manj pogosto posodablja, kar pomeni, da Krita lahko porabi več časa za izračun drugih stvari. Nekatere manjše število posodobitev moti, zato je to mogoče nastaviti po želji.
- Beleženje hitrosti sličic OpenGL v zapisniku za potrebe razhroščevanja napak
Prikaže hitrost platna v številu sličic, ko je aktivno.
- Beleženje hitrosti upodabljanja čopiča v zapisniku za potrebe razhroščevanja napak.
Prikazane bodo številke, ki kažejo, kako hitro je bila zadnja poteza čopiča na platnu.
- Onemogoči optimizacije vektorjev (za procesorje AMD)
Vektorske optimizacije so poseben način, kako zahtevati CPE za matematična opravila, ti imajo imena, kot sta SIMD in AVX. Te optimizacije lahko Krito močno pospešijo pri slikanju, razen ko imate CPE AMD na sistemih Windows. Zdi se, da se tam dogaja nekaj čudnega, zato jih deaktivirajte.
- Poročanje o napredku
This allows you to toggle the progress reporter, which is a little feedback progress bar that shows up in the status bar when you let Krita do heavy operations, such as heavy filters or big strokes. The red icon next to the bar will allow you to cancel your operation. This is on by default, but as progress reporting itself can take up some time, you can switch it off here.
- Beleženje delovanja
This enables performance logging, which is then saved to the
folder in yourworking directory
. Your working directory is where the autosave is saved at as well.So for unnamed files, this is the
folder in Linux, and the%TEMP%
folder in Windows.
Predpomnilnik animacije¶
Added in version 4.1.
The animation cache is the space taken up by animation frames in the memory of the computer. A cache in this sense is a cache of precalculated images.
Playing back a video at 25 FPS means that the computer has to precalculate 25 images per second of video. Now, video playing software is able to do this because it really focuses on this one single task. However, Krita as a painting program also allows you to edit the pictures. Because Krita needs to be able to do this, and a dedicated video player doesn’t, Krita cannot do the same kind of optimizations as a dedicated video player can.
Still, an animator does need to be able to see what kind of animation they are making. To do this properly, we need to decide how Krita will regenerate the cache after the animator makes a change. There’s fortunately a lot of different options how we can do this. However, the best solution really depends on what kind of computer you have and what kind of animation you are making. Therefore in this tab you can customize the way how and when the cache is generated.
Hrbtenica shranjevanja predpomnilnika¶
- V pomnilniku
Animation frame cache will be stored in RAM, completely without any limitations. This is also the way it was handled before 4.1. This is only recommended for computers with a huge amount of RAM and animations that must show full-canvas full resolution 6k at 25 fps. If you do not have a huge amount (say, 64GiB) of RAM, do not use this option (and scale down your projects).
Please make sure your computer has enough RAM above the amount you requested in the General tab. Otherwise you might face system freezes.
Za 1 sekundo FullHD pri 25 sl/s boste potrebovali dodatnih 200 MiB pomnilnika.
Za 1 sekundo 4K UltraHD pri 25 sl/s boste potrebovali dodatnih 800 MiB pomnilnika.
- Na disku
Animation frames are stored in the hard disk in the same folder as the swap file. The cache is stored in a compressed way. A little amount of extra RAM is needed.
Since data transfer speed of the hard drive is slow, you might want to limit the Cached Frame Size to be able to play your video at 25 fps. A limit of 2500 px is usually a good choice.
Možnosti za ustvarjanje predpomnilnika¶
- Omeji velikost predpomnjene sličice
Render scaled down version of the frame if the image is bigger than the provided limit. Make sure you enable this option when using On-Disk storage backend, because On-Disk storage is a little slow. Without the limit, there’s a good chance that it will not be able to render at full speed. Lower the size to play back faster at the cost of lower resolution.
- Uporabi področje pozornosti
We technically only need to use the section of the image that is in view. Region of interest represents that section. When the image is above the configurable limit, render only the currently visible part of it.
- Omogoči tvorbo predpomnilnika v ozadju
This allows you to set whether the animation is cached for playback in the background (that is, when you’re not using the computer). Then, when animation is cached when pressing play, this caching will take less long. However, turning off this automatic caching can save power by having your computer work less.
Sprotni predogled¶
- Uporabi predogled s sklada v orodju Preoblikuj
Whether to use a floating preview for the Orodje Preoblikovanje, or whether to have it rendered in place.
- Uporabi predogled s sklada v orodju Preoblikuj
Turns on Sprotni predogled for the Orodje Preoblikovanje even when it’s off in .
- Vsili sprotni predogled v orodju Premakni
Turns on Sprotni predogled for the Orodje Premakni even when it’s off in .
- Vsili sprotni predogled v filtrih
Turns on Sprotni predogled for the Filtri even when it’s off in .