Plasti datoteke¶
File Layers are references to files outside of the document: If the referenced document updates, the file layer will update. Do not remove the original file on your computer once you add it to Krita. Deleting your original image will break the file layer. If Krita cannot find the original file, it’ll ask you where to find it. File layers cannot display animations. Krita uses a relative path to store the location of the file in the .kra. If you move the .kra but not the file, the file layer may be broken.
Plasti datotek imajo naslednje možnosti za spreminjanje velikosti:
- Brez spreminjanja merila
To bo uvozilo plast datoteke s polno velikostjo slikovnih točk.
- Umeri na velikost slike
Spremeni velikost plasti datoteke, da se natančno prilega v okvir meja platna slike.
- Prilagodi ločljivosti slike
If the imported layer and the image have a different resolution, it’ll scale the filelayer by scaling its resolution. In other words, import a 600dpi A4 image onto a 300dpi A4 image, and the filelayer will be scaled to fit precisely on the 300dpi image. Useful for comics, where the ink-layer is preferred to be at a higher resolution than the colors.
- Scaling Filter
Here you can set the scaling filter. Most of the time, you will want to use Bicubic. However when working with pixel art, it is more useful to use Nearest Neighbour which doesn’t try to mix colors.
Added in version 5.2.
Na plasti datotek trenutno ni mogoče slikati. Če želite preoblikovati plast datoteke, morate na njej uveljaviti masko za preoblikovanje.
In the layerdocker, next to the file layer only, there’s a little folder icon. Pressing that will open the file pointed at in Krita if it hadn’t yet. Using the properties you can make the file layer point to a different file.
Vsak nabor plasti lahko spremenite v datotečne plasti, tako da jih kliknete z desno tipko miške in naredite
. Nato se odpre okno za določitev mesta shranjevanja datoteke; po opravljenem vnosu shrani datoteko in plast zamenja s plastjo datoteke, ki kaže na to datoteko.