All of the panels that exist in Krita and what they do.
- Add Shape
- Advanced Color Selector
- Animation Curves Docker
- Animation Docker
- Animation Timeline Docker
- Arrange
- Artistic Color Selector Docker
- Preset Docker
- Brush Preset History Docker
- Channels
- Color Sliders
- Compositions
- Digital Color Mixer
- Gamut Masks Docker
- Grids and Guides Docker
- Histogram Docker
- Layers
- Log Viewer
- LUT Management
- Onion Skin Docker
- Overview
- Palette Docker
- Patterns Docker
- Recorder Docker
- Reference Images Docker
- Shape Properties Docker
- Small Color Selector
- Snapshot Docker
- Specific Color Selector
- Storyboard Docker
- Task Sets Docker
- Touch Docker
- Undo History
- Symbol Libraries
- Wide Gamut Color Selector