Image Split

Found under Image ‣ Image Split, the Image Split function allows you to evenly split a document up into several sections. This is useful for splitting up spritesheets for example.

Horizontal Lines

The amount of horizontal lines to split at. 4 lines will mean that the image is split into 5 horizontal stripes.

Vertical Lines

The amount of vertical lines to split at. 4 lines will mean that the image is split into 5 vertical stripes.

Added in version 4.3:

Use Guides

Instead of splitting the image up into even parts, you can choose to use the image guides to function as horizontal or vertical lines. This provides a little bit more control on how the image is split.

Sort Direction

Added in version 4.2.

Whether to number the files using the following directions:


Left to right, top to bottom.


Top to bottom, left to right.


The prefix at which the files should be saved at. By default this is the current document name.

File Type

Which file format to save to.

Autosave on split

This will result in all slices being saved automatically using the above prefix. Otherwise Krita will ask the name for each slice.