A docker for aligning and arranging vector shapes. When you have the Şekil Seçim Aracı active, the following actions will appear on this docker:
- Align
Align all selected objects.
Align Left
Horizontally Center
Align Right
Align Top
Vertically Center
Align Bottom
- Distribute
Ensure that objects are distributed evenly.
Distribute left edges equidistantly.
Distribute centers equidistantly horizontally.
Distribute right edges equidistantly.
Distribute top edges equidistantly.
Distribute centers equidistantly vertically.
Distribute bottom edges equidistantly.
- Spacing
Ensure the gaps between objects are equal.
Make horizontal gaps between object equal.
Make vertical gaps between object equal.
- Order
Change the order of vector objects.
Bring to front
Bring to back
- Gruplandırma
Buttons to group and ungroup vector objects.