Izgara Fırça İşletkesi


The grid brush engine draws shapes on a grid. It helps you produce retro and halftone effects.

If you’re looking to setup a grid for snapping, head to Izgaralar ve Kılavuzlar Paneli.


Brush Size

Grid Width

Width of the cursor area.

Grid Height

Height of the cursor area.


Subdivides the cursor area and uses the resulting area to draw the particles.

Division by pressure

The more you press, the more subdivisions. Uses Division as the finest subdivision possible.


Scales up the area.

Vertical Border

Forces vertical borders in the particle space, between which the particle needs to squeeze itself.

Horizontal Border

Forces a horizontal borders in the particle space, between which the particle needs to squeeze itself.

Jitter Borders

Randomizes the border values with the Border values given as maximums.

Particle Type

Decides the shape of the particle.


Fills the area with an ellipse.


Fills the area.


Draws lines from the lower left to the upper right corner of the particle.


Looks like an aliased line on high resolutions.

Anti-aliased Pixel

Fills the area with little polygons.

Color Options

Random HSV

Randomize the HSV with the strength of the sliders. The higher, the more the color will deviate from the foreground color, with the direction indicating clock or counter clockwise.

Random Opacity

Randomizes the opacity.

Color Per Particle

Has the color options be per particle instead of area.

Sample Input Layer

Will use the underlying layer as reference for the colors instead of the foreground color.

Fill Background

Fills the area before drawing the particles with the background color.

Arka plan rengiyle karıştır

Gives the particle a random color between foreground/input/random HSV and the background color.