f.. meta::

Releasing Krita

Making a release

Krita releases and update channels

At any point of time Krita users have access to four(!) versions of Krita. We calls these versions "channels", since they are "channels through which the users can get updates of the software".

  1. Krita Stable is the latest stable version of Krita that has been released to the users

  2. Krita Beta is the latest alpha or beta version of Krita

  3. Krita Plus is the latest stable release with all backported patches, built nightly

    • this channel is basically the nightly build of the current stable branch

    • packages are stored at the gitlab's CDN server: https://cdn.kde.org/ci-builds/graphics/krita/krita-5.2/

    • AppImage updater will suggest updates if

      • a new nightly with the same minor version has been published, e.g.

        • krita/5.2 will update to the new version of krita/5.2

        • krita/5.3 will update to the new version of krita/5.3

        • they will not cross-update, unless the next point...

      • a stable version of the next minor branch has been officially released

        • krita/5.2 will update to krita/5.3 after the first official stable release of krita/5.3 has been made

    • AppImage updater uses link at the corresponding branch on CDN via redirects from https://autoconfig.kde.org:

  4. Krita Next is the nightly build of the development (master) branch of Krita


Krita's main CMakeLists.txt file has a special code to detect the current channel based on the version switches. It sets variable BRANDING, which is later used to change application's icon and splashscreen. Branding can be one of: "default", "Beta", "Plus" or "Next".

On branching out a stable branch

When we change the stable branch name, e.g. when changing krita/5.2 into krita/5.3 we should update its name in several places to keep CI infrastructure working properly:

  1. APK signer: https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-utilities/-/blob/master/signing/apksigner-projects.yaml

  2. Windows signer: https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-utilities/-/blob/master/signing/windowsbinariessigner-projects.yaml

  3. MacOS signer: https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-utilities/-/blob/master/signing/macappsigner-projects.yaml

  4. MacOS notarizer: https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-utilities/-/blob/master/signing/macappnotarizer-projects.yaml

  5. Nightly builds publisher: https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-utilities/-/blob/master/signing/buildpublisher-projects.yaml

  6. Translations' "stable" branch: https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/repo-metadata/-/blob/master/projects-invent/graphics/krita/i18n.json

  7. Updates redirect link: https://invent.kde.org/websites/autoconfig-kde-org/-/blob/master/krita/.htaccess?ref_type=heads

  8. Documentation branch (discuss with the documentation team first!): https://invent.kde.org/documentation/docs-krita-org

  9. Notify translators about the tranlsations branch switch!

  10. Update the link to "Krita Plus" ZSync channel in build-tools/ci-scripts/show-updates-status.py script

    • make sure you keep the old link in the script as well, until the branch is fully deprecated and removed from the CDN server (we need to keep the link up for some time to let people update to the new version)

  11. Update Krita version in master branch to be higher than in stable.

Before the release

  1. Coordinate with #kde-promo

  2. Notify translators of string freeze! (mailto:kde-i18n-doc@kde.org)

  3. Change string freeze status in README.md file in the stable branch into "freeze, all new strings must go through mailto:kde-i18n-doc@kde.org"

  4. Verify that the release notes page is done, like https://krita.org/en/krita-4-2-release-notes/

  5. Verify that all dependency builds are up to date.

    TODO: write actual steps on how to verify the deps are up-to-date

Two days before branching-out

Create a merge request for the signer's config repository to add the proposed branch into the list of authorized branches. You need to add the branch into all singer files for all the available platforms:

Repository: https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-utilities

  • APK signer: signing/apksigner-projects.yaml (link)

  • Windows signer: signing/windowsbinariessigner-projects.yaml (link)

  • MacOS signer: signing/macappsigner-projects.yaml (link)

  • MacOS notarizer: signing/macappnotarizer-projects.yaml (link)

The branch name should be in a form release/5.1.0-beta1. Add that to each platform so that the config would look like that:


On the branching-out day

  1. Create a new release branch:

    git checkout -b release/5.1.0-beta1
  2. Update versions in release/5.1.0-beta1 branch

    1. (TODO: really needed?) update the version of krita5.xmlgui

    2. update the CMakeLists.txt version

    3. update the snapcraft.yaml file

    4. update the appstream screenshots: https://invent.kde.org/websites/product-screenshots

    5. update org.kde.krita.appdata.xml 's release tag in the BRANCH

    6. update Android version (keep in mind that all Krita releases on Android are marked as Beta at the moment): packaging/android/apk/build.gradle

    7. When releasing beta-version double-check that you updated to "beta1", not just plain "beta". Only "alpha" versions can be made without a number, because they are built nightly.

  3. Update versions in the stable branch (krita/5.2) to avoid XMLGUI conflicts

    1. stable branch is always marked as "prealpha" (without a number in the end)

    2. (TODO: really needed?) update the version of krita.xmlgui; it should be $(( $VERSION_IN_RELEASE_BRANCH + 1 ))

    3. update the CMakeLists.txt version

    4. update org.kde.krita.appdata.xml 's release tag

    5. packaging/android/apk/AndroidManifest.xml

  1. Update versions in the unstable branch (master) if necessary

    1. stable branch is always marked as "prealpha" (without a number in the end)

    2. (TODO: really needed?) update the version of krita.xmlgui; it should be $(( $VERSION_IN_STABLE_BRANCH + 1 ))

    3. update the CMakeLists.txt version

    4. update org.kde.krita.appdata.xml 's release tag

    5. packaging/android/apk/AndroidManifest.xml

Create the tarball

Create and push the tag

  1. Set the tag:

    git tag -a v5.1.0-beta1 -m "Krita 5.1.0 Beta1"
  2. Push the tag:

    git push origin refs/tags/v5.1.0-beta1:refs/tags/v5.1.0-beta1
  3. If you need to change the tag position (not recommended):

    # remove the previous tag
    git push origin :refs/tags/v5.1.0-beta1
    # make a new tag locally
    git tag -a v5.1.0-beta1 -m "Krita 5.1.0 Beta1"
    # push the new tag
    git push origin refs/tags/v5.1.0-beta1:refs/tags/v5.1.0-beta1
    # all Krita developers now have to refetch tags to
    # get the updated tag position
    git fetch origin --tags

Create the tarball

  1. Get the tarball from gitlab: https://invent.kde.org/graphics/krita/-/tags

  2. Unpack the tarball

  3. Rename folder from krita-v5.1.0-beta1 into krita-5.1.0-beta1 (without 'v' prefix in the version string)

  4. Package the tarball as .gz and .xz

  5. Sign both tarballs:

    gpg --output krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.gz.sig --detach-sign krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.gz
    gpg --output krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.xz.sig --detach-sign krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.xz

Make Windows, Linux, macOS and Android packages

  1. Request four release builds on GitLat's CI

    1. Go to "Tags" page in Krita repository: https://invent.kde.org/graphics/krita/-/tags

    2. Click the pipeline icon next to the just pushed tag

    3. Start all the jobs at the "build" stage:

      • android-build-arm64-v8a-release

      • android-build-armeabi-v7a-release

      • android-build-x86_64-release

      • linux-release

      • macos-release

      • windows-release

    4. When the three Android builds are finished, start the AppBundle job from the "deploy" stage:

      • android-build-appbundle-release

  2. Download all built artifacts using "Krita Atrifacts Download" script (https://invent.kde.org/dkazakov/krita-artifacts-download)

    python3 kad.py artifacts -d release-v5.1.0-beta1 -t v5.1.0-beta1 -p
  3. For each build check:

    • Krita starts

    • Localization works

    • Python plugins are available

    • Basic painting and most recently fixed bugs are fixed

  4. Sign the AppImage:

    gpg --detach-sign --output krita-5.1.0-beta-x86_64.appimage.sig krita-5.1.0-beta-x86_64.appimage
  5. Sign four Android packages (or send them to Halla for signing)

    Note: there is a useful script for signing them...

    • krita-arm64-5.1.0-beta1-unsigned.apk

    • krita-x86-5.1.0-beta1-unsigned.apk

    • krita-x86_64-5.1.0-beta1-unsigned.apk

    After signing, remove "-unsigned" suffix, so the signed packages would look like that:

    • krita-arm64-5.1.0-beta1.apk

    • krita-x86-5.1.0-beta1.apk

    • krita-x86_64-5.1.0-beta1.apk

  6. Now you should have 18 files in your release folder

  7. Verify that the filesize of .zsync blob is different from the one stored on https://download.kde.org

    The filesize must be different, otherwise KDE's mirroring system will not propagate the change automatically. If you see that the filesize is the same, notify sysadmins to update the mirrors manually.

    Please take it into account that "unstable" releases should have "Beta" in the zsync file name, not "Unstable" as you could guess. This word comes from $CHANNEL variable in build_image.sh script.

  8. Upload all files to download.kde.org (or ask sysadmins to do that using this manual ftp://upload.kde.org/README):

    • to https://download.kde.org/unstable/krita/5.1.0-beta1/

      • krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.gz

      • krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.gz.sig

      • krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.xz

      • krita-5.1.0-beta1.tar.xz.sig

      • krita-5.1.0-beta1-x86_64.appimage

      • krita-5.1.0-beta1-x86_64.appimage.sig

      • krita-x64-5.1.0-beta1-dbg.zip

      • krita-x64-5.1.0-beta1-setup.exe

      • krita-x64-5.1.0-beta1.zip

      • krita-5.1.0-beta1.dmg

      • krita-arm64-5.1.0-beta1.apk

      • krita-arm32-5.1.0-beta1.apk

      • krita-x86_64-5.1.0-beta1.apk

    • to https://download.kde.org/unstable/krita/updates/

      • Krita-Beta-x86_64.appimage.zsync


    Please don't forget to replace "unstable" to "stable" for stable release builds. It should be replaced for both, packages themselves and zsync file


    Note that the msix file is only for uploading to the Windows Store, it doesn't need to be uploaded to download.kde.org.


    Please note that we do not generate MD5 sums anymore, since they are now autogenerated by the mirroring system. Just add ".md5" or ".sha1" or ".sha256" at the end of any link or enter the folder with the browser and click "Details" link.

  9. Template ticket for sysadmins for "Beta" releases (no store uploads):

    Hi, sysadmins!
    Could you please do the final steps for publishing Krita release?
    There are three tasks:
    1) Upload release artifacts (20 files) to download.kde.org:
        * Source link: https://files.kde.org/krita/release-5.1.0-beta1/
        * Destination link: https://download.kde.org/unstable/krita/5.1.0-beta1/
    2) Upload updates ZSync artifacts (1 file) to download.kde.org:
        * Source link: https://files.kde.org/krita/release-5.1.0-beta1-updates/
        * Destination link: https://download.kde.org/unstable/krita/updates/
    3) Add `Krita 5.1.0 Beta1` bugzilla version
  10. Template ticket for Halla for a "Stable" release (with all store updates)

    Hi, Halla, Ivan and Emmet!
    Could you please do the final steps for publishing Krita release?
    #) (@rempt) Sign all .apk packages
    #) (@rempt) Upload .aab package to Google Play
    #) (@rempt) Upload .msix package to Microsoft Store
    #) (@vanyossi) Sign .dmg package
    #) (@vanyossi) Upload .dmg package to Apple Store
    #) (@rempt) Upload Windows packages to Epic Store
    #) (@emmetoneill) Upload Windows and Linux packages to Steam
    #) (@rempt) Upload release artifacts to download.kde.org:
        * Source link: https://files.kde.org/krita/.release/5.2.6/
        * Destination link: https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/5.2.6/
    #) (@rempt) Upload Stable ZSync file to download.kde.org:
        * Source link: https://files.kde.org/krita/.release/5.2.6/Krita-Stable-x86_64.appimage.zsync
        * Destination link: https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/updates/
    #) (@rempt) Upload Beta ZSync file to download.kde.org (to point to Stable as well):
        * Source link: https://files.kde.org/krita/.release/5.2.6/Krita-Beta-x86_64.appimage.zsync
        * Destination link: https://download.kde.org/unstable/krita/updates/
    #) (@rempt) Add Krita 5.2.6 bugzilla version
  11. Now the folder on download.kde.org should have 21(!) files. Check if you missed something (and you surely did! :) ).

  12. Verify consistency of all ZSync AppImage update links using the special script:

    cd krita/
    python build-tools/ci-scripts/show-updates-status.py

    It should show information like this:

    == Channel: Stable FAILED ==
    ZSync URL: https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/updates/Krita-Stable-x86_64.appimage.zsync
    ZSync exists: True
    AppImage exists: False
        MTime:  Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:28:16 +0000
        Filename:  krita-5.2.2-x86_64.appimage
        URL:  https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Krita_Release_Appimage_Build/124//artifact/krita-5.2.2-x86_64.appimage
        SHA-1:  16a1a640084446b45ea078d8b81cffc075144a02
    == Channel: Beta (unstable) FAILED ==
    ZSync URL: https://download.kde.org/unstable/krita/updates/Krita-Beta-x86_64.appimage.zsync
    ZSync exists: True
    AppImage exists: False
        MTime:  Thu, 14 Sep 2023 09:26:05 +0000
        Filename:  krita-5.2.0-rc1-x86_64.appimage
        URL:  https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Krita_Release_Appimage_Build/121//artifact/krita-5.2.0-rc1-x86_64.appimage
        SHA-1:  4bd0f522c22f41e504bf1e9ced540fa11ed5ec53
    == Channel: Plus FAILED ==
    ZSync URL: https://cdn.kde.org/ci-builds/graphics/krita/krita/5.2/linux/Krita-Plus-x86_64.appimage.zsync
    ZSync exists: False
    AppImage exists: False
    == Channel: Next ==
    ZSync URL: https://cdn.kde.org/ci-builds/graphics/krita/master/linux/Krita-Next-x86_64.appimage.zsync
    ZSync exists: True
    AppImage exists: True
        MTime:  Tue, 02 Apr 2024 22:30:57 +0000
        Filename:  krita-5.3.0-prealpha-64b33ed808-x86_64.appimage
        URL:  https://cdn.kde.org/ci-builds/graphics/krita/master/linux/krita-5.3.0-prealpha-64b33ed808-x86_64.appimage
        SHA-1:  e360127c3c956499ed0266ad8eb9bcdad3789956

    Check the following:

    • none of the channels are marked with FAILED

    • AppImage's filename is set to the one you just uploaded

    • Appimage's URL is a full URL pointing to a seemingly correct location (see the definition of the "channels" above)

    • AppImage exists: True will tell you if the AppImage URL in downloadable, so you don't have to recheck it yourself

    If you want to test ZSync manually, don't use the system-provided package. Use this cli-tool provided by AppImage team: https://appimage.github.io/zsync2/

  13. If you are doing the first stable release after branching-out, e.g. the first release of "Krita 5.3.0", then make sure ask sysadmins to relink "Krita Plus krita/5.2" zsync file to "Krita Plus krita/5.3"

  14. If you are doing any stable release, manually switch zsync file of Krita Beta to the Krita Stable, to make sure users will get updates.

  15. If you are doing Beta_N or RC_N release from a stable branch, then... <FIXME>.

  16. If you are doing any release from a stable branch, manually update the version to the next one with suffix "prealpha" to make sure that Krita Plus packages correctly show it to the user. You need to do that in CMakeLists.txt and build.gradle.

  17. Manually verify that the previous version of Krita AppImage can update to the new one from the GUI. It should use the .zsync file uploaded above.


Make sure that the release on the official site appears at the same moment as it appears in all the stores!


  1. Publish the announcement and release notes

  2. Update data/releases.yaml file for the new links at the "Download" page

  3. (for every release, including betas) Send announcement to the mailing lists to notify packagers

    Make sure that you include the fingerprint of the GPG key used to sing the tarball. It is highly important for the packagers.

    Here is the draft-mail:

    Hi, all!
    We have released Krita <krita-version>
    Official announcement:
    Download from:
    # if signed by Dmitry
    Signed with GPG key:
    Get from: https://files.kde.org/krita/dmitry_kazakov.gpg
    Public link: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=E9FB29E74ADEACC5E3035B8AB69EB4CF7468332F&fingerprint=on&op=index
    # if signed by Halla
    Signed with GPG key:
    Get from: https://files.kde.org/krita/4DA79EDA231C852B
    Public link: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=064182440C674D9F8D0F6F8B4DA79EDA231C852B&fingerprint=on&op=index
  4. Add release links to Release History section of the site: https://krita.org/en/about/krita-releases-overview/

  5. Add the release to the org.krita.org.appdata.xml file in MASTER.

Release coordination

  1. Mail KDE release coordination <release-team@kde.org>

  2. Send release notes for future Krita versions to news@publisher.ch

  3. Create bugzilla version: https://bugs.kde.org/editversions.cgi?product=krita Or file a sysadmin ticket for that.

  4. [only for a major release] Warn kde sysadmins that we're going to release and that krita.org is going to take load. Just file a ticket on phabricator.

PR and Communications


  1. Update Kiki page

  2. Update press pack and page

  3. Verify if manual pages are updated, if not annoy @woltherav and add undocumented features to Krita: Manual

  4. Notify people that they can start making release demonstrations.


  • tumblr (wolthera)

  • BlenderArtists (wolthera)

  • deviantart (wolthera)

  • VK (dmitry)

  • blendernation (halla)

  • twitter (halla)

  • facebook (halla)

  • 3dpro (halla)

  • reddit (raghukamath)


Additional info can be found here: https://phabricator.kde.org/T10762