View Menu

Show Canvas Only

Only shows the canvas and what you have configured to show in Canvas Only settings. Shortcut Tab

Full Screen mode

This will hide the system bar. Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F

Detach Canvas

This will pop-out the canvas into its own window, which is very useful for multi-monitor setups.

둘러싸기 모드

This will show the image as if tiled orthographically. Very useful for tiling 3d textures.

즉시 미리 보기 모드

Toggle 즉시 미리 보기 globally. Shortcut Shift + L

소프트 프루핑

Activate 소프트 프루핑. Shortcut Ctrl + Y

색 영역 벗어남 경고

See the 소프트 프루핑 page for details. Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Y


Contains view manipulation actions.

보기 반전

This will mirror the view. Hit the M key to quickly activate it. Very useful during painting.

눈금자 표시

This will display a set of rulers. mouseright the rulers after showing them, to change the units.

눈금자 트랙 포인터

This adds a little marker to the ruler to show where the mouse is in relation to them.

안내선 표시

Show or hide the guides.

안내선 잠금

Prevent the guides from being able to be moved by the cursor.

상태 표시줄 표시

This will show the status bar. The status bar contains a lot of important information, a zoom and rotate widget, and the button to switch Selection Display Mode.

격자 표시

Shows and hides the grid. Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + '

픽셀 격자 표시

Show the pixel grid as configured in the Display Settings.


Toggle the Snapping types.

그리기 도우미 표시

Shows or hides the Assistants.

Show Painting Previews

Shows or hides the Previews.

Show Reference Images

Shows or hides the Reference Image.