레이어 분할

Splits a layer according to color. This is useful in combination with the 채색 마스크 and the R + mouseleft shortcut to select layers at the cursor.

At the top, of the dialog there is a dropdown, here you can choose between…

레이어로 분할

The image’s colors is split into paint layers. Fantastic for artwork that works more with flats, such as the cel-shaded look.

로컬 선택 마스크로 분할(&S)

Added in version 4.2.9.

The image’s colors are outlined as a selection, and a Selection Masks is made. This is useful for artwork that has a more painterly look, with the selection masks making it easy to select several areas at once. Because selection masks are not paint layers, several of the options below are unavailable.

The other options are:

그룹 레이어 아래에 모든 새 레이어 두기

Put all the result layers into a new group.

개별 레이어를 각각의 그룹 레이어 아래에 두기

Put each layer into its own group.

모든 새 레이어의 알파 잠금

Enable the alpha-lock for each layer so it is easier to color.

원본 레이어 숨기기

Turns off the visibility on the original layer so you won’t get confused.

투명하지 않은 픽셀의 양으로 레이어 정렬

This ensures that the layers with large color swathes will end up at the top.

불투명도 무시

Whether to take into account transparency of a color.

퍼지 정도

How precise the algorithm should be. The larger the fuzziness, the less precise the algorithm will be. This is necessary for splitting layers with anti-aliasing, because otherwise you would end up with a separate layer for each tiny pixel.

Palette to use for naming the layers

Select the palette to use for naming. Krita will compare the main color of a layer to each color in the palette to get the most appropriate name for it.