File Menu¶
- New¶
Make a new file. Shortcut: Ctrl + N
- 열기…¶
Open a previously created file. Shortcut: Ctrl + O
- 최근 항목 열기¶
Open the recently opened document.
- 저장¶
File formats that Krita can save to. These formats can later be opened back up in Krita. Shortcut: Ctrl + S
- 다른 이름으로 저장…¶
Save as a new file. Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + S
- 세션¶
This opens the 세션 manager.
- 기존 문서를 제목 없는 문서로 열기…¶
Similar to import in other programs.
- Export…¶
Additional formats that can be saved. Some of these formats may not be later imported or opened by Krita.
- Export Advanced…¶
Similar to export, but it includes crop and resize options.
- Import Animation Frames…¶
Import frames for animation.
- Import Video Animation…¶
Import a video animation.
- Render Animation…¶
Render an animation with FFmpeg. This is explained on the 애니메이션 렌더 page.
- 증분 버전 저장¶
Save as a new version of the same file with a number attached. Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + S
- 증분 백업 저장¶
Copies and renames the last saved version of your file to a backup file and saves your document under the original name. Shortcut: F4
- Create Template from Image…¶
file will be saved into the template folder for future use. All your layers and guides will be saved along!- Create Copy from Current Image¶
Makes a new document from the current image, so you can easily reiterate on a single image. Useful for areas where the template system is too powerful.
- 문서 정보¶
Look at the document information. Contains all sorts of interesting information about image, such as technical information or metadata.
- 닫기¶
Close the view or document. Shortcut: Ctrl + W
- 모두 닫기¶
Close all views and documents. Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + W
- 끝내기¶
Close Krita. Shortcut: Ctrl + Q