Prvi koraki¶
Welcome to the Krita Manual! In this section, we’ll try to get you up to speed.
Če ste seznanjeni z digitalnim slikanjem, priporočamo, da preverite kategorijo :ref:‘introduction_from_other_software‘, ki vsebuje vodnike, ki vam bodo pomagali spoznati Krito s primerjavo njenih funkcij z drugo programsko opremo.
If you are new to digital art, just start with Namestitev, which deals with installing Krita, and continue on to Zagon Krite, which helps with making a new document and saving it, Osnovni koncepti, in which we’ll try to quickly cover the big categories of Krita’s functionality, and finally, Krmarjenje, which helps you find basic usage help, such as panning, zooming and rotating.
When you have mastered those, you can look into the dedicated introduction pages for functionality in the Uporabniški priročnik, read through the overarching concepts behind (digital) painting in the Splošni koncepti section, or just search the Referenčni priročnik for what a specific button does.