.. meta:: :description property=og\:description: A brief explanation about animated brushes and how to use them. .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier - Hulmanen :license: GNU free documentation license 1.3 or later. .. _brush_tip_animated_brush: .. _animated_brush_tips: ================ Animated Brushes ================ Animated brushes are officially called ‘image hoses’, and they're quite fun. They are basically :ref:`brush tips ` with multiple image files. The typical way to make them is to first draw the ‘frames’ on a small canvas, per layer: .. image:: /images/brush-tips/Krita-animtedbrush.png :alt: Krita Animated brush tip layer setup. :width: 800 You can use the :kbd:`Alt +` |mouseleft| shortcut on the layer thumbnails to isolate layers without hiding them. .. image:: /images/brush-tips/Krita-animtedbrush1.png :alt: Animated brush tips isolated layers. When done you should have a mess like this. Go into the brush settings (:kbd:`F5` key), and go to predefined brush-tips, and click :guilabel:`stamp`. You will get this window. .. image:: /images/brush-tips/Krita-animtedbrush2.png :alt: Predefined brush tips dialog. And then use style **animated** and selection mode set to **random**. Krita uses :ref:`Gimp’s image hose format ` which allows for random selection of the images, angle based selection, pressure based selection, and incremental selection. When you create a brushtip, Krita will automatically switch to it for the current brush, but you will always be able to find it in the predefined brushes tab. .. image:: /images/brush-tips/Krita-animtedbrush4.png :alt: Result of an animated brush. And now you can use it to paint trees! (for example) You can also use animated brush tips to emulate :ref:`bristle brush tips ` that go from very fine bristles to a fully opaque stamp based on pressure, like a dry paintbrush might do. Or make incremental patterns like the ones you see on porcelain. .. image:: /images/brush-tips/Krita-animtedbrush_incremental_example.png :alt: Incremental brush tip example.